Seminar by Assoc. Prof. Enrico Barausee
On this monthly seminar Assoc. Prof. Enrico Barausse from SISSA will gave a lecture entitled "Gravitational waves: Where data science meets physics "
Gravitational waves from mergers of compact objects, first predicted
by Einstein and confirmed through direct observation in 2015, have
revolutionized astrophysics. With next-generation detectors coming
online in the next decade, we anticipate observing thousands of such
events, offering unprecedented insights into strong-field gravity,
black hole dynamics, and cosmic structure formation. However,
extracting meaningful physics from this vast dataset poses significant
challenges. The inference problem spans thousands of dimensions,
requiring advanced statistical methods to disentangle overlapping
signals, instrumental noise, and potential deviations from general
In this talk, I will explore how simulation-based inference and
machine learning can help tackle these challenges. By leveraging
neural density estimators and normalizing flows, we can enable fast
posterior estimation, account for non-Gaussian noise, and improve our
ability to identify new physics in gravitational wave data. I will
highlight recent applications, including tests of black hole ringdown
physics and hierarchical inference of astrophysical populations,
demonstrating how these approaches will be crucial in the era of
precision gravitational wave astronomy.