Nikos Mihalopoulos
Research director, NOA IERSD
Prof. Nikos Mihalopoulos is a Research Director at the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development of the National Observatory of Athens. With a long-standing career in atmospheric research as a professor of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Crete and as the Director of IERSD-NOA, he has led numerous European and nationally funded research projects and has co-authored more than 420 research articles, receiving more than 23000 citations. His research interests include:
- Atmospheric chemistry and Physics with emphasis on the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere (both remote and polluted), physicochemical aerosol properties and their climatic role.
- Global biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur and their role on climate.
- Air sea- exchange
- Chemical kinetics
- Environmental Analytical chemistry
- Observations of key constituents of the atmosphere (greenhouse gases, aerosols).
Research areas: