Nikos Mihalopoulos

Research director, NOA IERSD

Prof. Nikos Mihalopoulos is a Research Director at the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development of the National Observatory of Athens. With a long-standing career in atmospheric research as a professor of Environmental Chemistry at the University of Crete and as the Director of IERSD-NOA, he has led numerous European and nationally funded research projects and has co-authored more than 420 research articles, receiving more than 23000 citations. His research interests include:

  1. Atmospheric chemistry and Physics with emphasis on the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere (both remote and polluted), physicochemical aerosol properties and their climatic role.
  2. Global biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur and their role on climate.
  3. Air sea- exchange
  4. Chemical kinetics
  5. Environmental Analytical chemistry
  6. Observations of key constituents of the atmosphere (greenhouse gases, aerosols).

Research areas: