National Observatory of Athens, Institute for environmental research and sustainable development

SMASH Associate partner

The National Observatory of Athens (NOA) is the longest standing research center in Greece. Through three different research institutes within the center, and owing to highly-skilled personnel and important infrastructure, NOA plays today an important role in research in the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space applications, Environment, Energy and Meteorology, Seismology, and Geodynamics, at a European and international level. Research at the Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD) covers a vast field related to the atmospheric environment, climate and climate change, meteorology, hydrology and energy. The Atmospheric Physics and Chemistry Group (APCG) in particular, is highly involved with all aspects of atmospheric chemistry and physics research, from both the in-situ and modeling perspectives. Among others, APCG expertise includes long term monitoring of pollutants in the urban and remote settings in the Eastern Mediterranean using state-of-the-art equipment, source apportionment through statistical techniques such as receptor modeling, source region analysis, implications of atmospheric aerosol to human health, their interaction with radiation (absorption and scattering), the development of reliable low-cost sensor networks for monitoring pollutants, mobile measurements and engaging the public through citizen science schemes.
