Science on the Street
SMASH Associate partner
Science on the Street ('Znanost na Cesti', ZnC) is a Slovenian institute for the promotion of science that connects researchers with established journalist, that help them present their scientific results to a larger audience. They have long experience of organising public events (‘A cup of science’, "Science among books" and Science Slam), have one of the busiest platforms for dissemination of scientific events (podcast, science blog, social media). They are working with a range of EU projects, where they provide training of the researchers in science communication, in topics such as “Science on the stage", "How to prepare a good presentation", How to tell a good story?” etc. In addition, they are closely involved in preparations for the largest Slovenian scientific exhibition space, ‘The science center’ which is expected to be opened in two years, and will be the ground where SMASH results would be on high profile public display. “